Tag Archives: Europe

Stumbling into a Society of Madness

Hannes Swoboda, Chairman of the Board of the European Tolerance Talks, fears that politics is maneuvering itself into a situation from which it can no longer find a way out. Since the ideological and religious frameworks have largely dissolved, we should not be surprised that we are now stumbling into a society of madness, said
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Topic 2025: New World Disorder

“Madness – a world in disarray?” is the theme of the 11th European Tolerance Talks from June 1 to 7, 2025 – and the focus is on the diverse worries and concerns about the increasing erosion of the rules of the game in international relations that have been in place for decades, the consequences of
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Big celebration: European State Prize for Fresach

Big surprise: We won the Austrian European State Prize 2024 in the “Europe in the Community” category with the European Tolerance Talks! Fresach-Mayor Gerhard Altziebler and the Denk.Raum.Fresach (DRF) team accepted the award from European Minister Karoline Edtstadler in Vienna on Tuesday. “For us, this is a special recognition,” said Wilfried Seywald from the Denkwerkstatt.
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