The well-known Viennese essayist and author Franz Schuh thinks, current global political developments are no cause for concern, and the parallels to the years of rising fascism very theoretical. However, the gap between what is happening and what individuals suffer seems unbridgeable. Schuh quoted Niklas Luhmann: “We live in such a way that everything can change every day, and at the same time, I can’t change anything.” In the European Forum at the Club Carinthia of Oberbank Vienna, Franz Schuh expressed reservations about possible historical parallels between our time and the 1930s. He stated that there is a huge difference between what might have a future and what once was. “The present hurts us – in contrast to the past, which one can address, comment on, and make films about, but which often seem to contribute nothing at all to enlightenment and fail to solve the mysteries of the past.” The whole report you find here, the Video ist available on Youtube