MagazineTolerance and the world

Franz Schuh on Europe: “At least something’s happening”

The well-known Viennese essayist and author Franz Schuh thinks, current global political developments are no cause for concern, and the parallels to the years of rising fascism very theoretical. However, the gap between what is happening and what individuals suffer seems unbridgeable. Schuh quoted Niklas Luhmann: “We live in such a way that everything can
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Between Madness and Optimism: Europe’s Future

The European Tolerance Talks will take place in Fresach and Villach from June 1 to 7. Experts from literature, science, and business will discuss Europe and the new world order for a week under the motto “Madness – A World in Disorder?” “Oligarchs of all countries, unite with anti-democratic politicians and divide the world among
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Fresach General meeting discharges board

In the presence of Governor Peter Kaiser, Villach’s Mayor Günther Albel, and Cathedral Priest Peter Allmaier, the program presentation for the European Tolerance Talks 2025 took place on March 18 in the Hall of Mirrors of the Carinthian federal government. Prior to this, the board of directors, consisting of Manfred Sauer, Margarethe Prinz-Büchl, and Doris
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World in Turmoil – Little Man, What Now?

European Forum with Franz Schuh on the Occasion of the Tolerance Talks 2025 Never before in recent decades has the global geopolitical situation changed so dramatically, disruptively, and overnight as in the past few months since the re-election of the new and old US President. Security guarantees thrown out the window, trade customs suspended, deals
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Topic 2025: New World Disorder

“Madness – a world in disarray?” is the theme of the 11th European Tolerance Talks from June 1 to 7, 2025 – and the focus is on the diverse worries and concerns about the increasing erosion of the rules of the game in international relations that have been in place for decades, the consequences of
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Order the Fresach reading book now

In the super election year of 2024, the search for truth in times of fake news, AI and manipulative algorithms was the focus of public discussion, and the European Tolerance Talks got to the bottom of the increasing loss of political perspectives. The results of the interdisciplinary literature and science talks are now available in
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