The Presidium

consists of the President and two Vice-Presidents representing the Association and the European Tolerance Talks. There is a Chairperson of the group who is also a member of the Presidium. Dr. Hannes Swoboda, the former majority leader of the Socialists in the European Parliament, is the President of the Denk.Raum.Fresach starting November 6, 2014.

The Board

consists of the Chair and Vice Chair, the Secretary and the deputy as well as the Treasurer and the deputy. The Executive Committee is responsible latter body for all activities of the Denk.Raum.Fresach and its events. They are listed here.

Chairman: Mag. Manfred Sauer
Deputy Chairman: Mag.arch Roland Gruber
Secretary: Mag. Sonja Sagmeister
Deputy Secretary: Claus Reitan
Treasurer: Mag. Rudolf Sagmeister
Deputy Tresurer: Helli Thelesklaf
Literature commissioner: Mag. Alfred Woschitz, Carinthian Writers’ Association (KSV)
Deputy literature commissioner: Alexander Peer
International Department: Mag. Leo Stollwitzer
Diakonie de la Tour: Dr. Astrid Körner
Organization: Doris Weinelt

The Management Committee

consists of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and other persons who were entrusted with certain tasks. It advises and supports the ongoing work of the preparation and organization of the European Tolerance Talks.

The Board of Trustees

serves as the central organ of the Denk.Raum.Fresach, suggests topics for the European tolerance conversations before, the programmed events and advises the club and the bureau in the program contents. The Board of Trustees is composed of representatives of the sponsoring organizations and recognized thinkers and public figures. President and Vice-Presidents are also Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Irmgard Bohunovsky, author and gallery
Martin Hitz, Chairman of the Senate of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Nikolaus Lanner, President Europe’s House
Sonja Penker, Culture Department City of Villach
Wilfried Seywald, PR-Consultant
Hubert Stotter, Managing Director Diaconia Carinthia
Gert Christian Sturm, Culture Department City of Villach
Hannes Swoboda, President of the Fresach Board
Helli Telesklaf, Evang. Church

The program committee

developed on a proposal from the Board of Trustees the annual general theme of special interest and special events separate councils may be established. These are composed of renowned writers, academics and practitioners as well as representatives of the Denk.Raum.Fresach.

The organizing team

takes care of the implementation of all events. It ensures that the European tolerance conversations financed, organized, professional and contents will be disseminated to the public.

The General Assembly (Assembly of members)

The Assembly is made up of people who have made an outstanding contribution to the Society. It members includes legal entities, public figures, representatives of the Policy Board, friends and supporters and funding organizations. The Assembly lays down the general guidelines for the activities and program development. It supervises the activities of Denk.Raum.Fresach and ensures that Denk.Raum.Fresach complies with its objectives. The General Assembly is held once a year and selects the Society organs, approves the financial management and can take decisions on all matters discussed or comments submitted to the Assembly.

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