Climate change, war and pandemics – the many crises have made us thoughtful, and in some cases even worried. 50 years after the Club of Rome report “The Limits to Growth” we are still confronted with the negative effects of uncompromising growth. The European Tolerance Talks 2023 are dedicated to this red-hot topic, the program will be presented on February 21 in Vienna. DATE: Thursday, February 21, 2023, 6:30 p.m Topic of the European tolerance talks 2023: Growth at the End – What now? Location: Oberbank Schwarzenbergplatz 5, 1030 Vienna Klimakleber, Last Generation and Fridays for Future have brought the problem of apparently uncontrolled growth into our living rooms and offices. For many people, growth is no longer a matter of course, and prosperity cannot be increased at will. How do we deal with the fact that economic growth is almost always at the expense of the environment and that the defined climate targets are becoming ever more distant? Do we all have to change our lives now? The author, essayist and journalist Dietmar Krug has been dealing with socially critical issues for many years, which he illuminates with care, erudition and depth. He shows perspectives and writes about effects that go far beyond mere day-to-day events. His introductory statement at Club Carinthia will be dedicated to the dogma of limitless growth and how it came about that we continue to fervently worship this dogma in business and politics today. Afterwards, the Protestant theologian Barbara Rauchwarter, the climate protection economist Angela Köppl and the President of the Board of Trustees of the European Tolerance Talks and President of the Club of Rome Austrian Chapter, Hannes Swoboda, will discuss with the management consultant Michael Paul about the opportunities for healthy growth apart from climate change and ever more drastic ecological and economic threats. Registration for the public event: or 0664 3826048 The event will also be streamed live via Facebook and Youtube. (ws)