2015: Prof. Ronald Barazon
Topic: How far does tolerance go?

In his keynote speech, the Austrian journalist and newspaper editor spoke about the tasks of the state, business and society and called for a well-fortified democracy. “Tolerance is more than mere toleration.” Press Report


2016: Prof. Klaus Töpfer
Topic: The Limits to Europe

The former Federal Environment Minister of Germany and founding director of the Research Institute for Climate Change, Earth System and Sustainability in Potsdam (IASS) spoke about the consequences of climate change: “If nothing happens, something will happen.”


2017: Dr. Anneliese Rohrer
Topic: The Future of Freedom

“Let’s use our freedom and protect our democracy, because in many places it is more endangered than we think,” said Austria’s best-known newspaper commentator in her opening speech.


2018: Doğan Akhanlı
Thema: Longing for Europe

The Turkish-German writer spoke about the search for paradise lost and warned of the consequences of a lack of historical awareness. “Increasing Nationalism and racism have become “monsters”. press report



2019: Prof. Maurizio Bettini
Topic: Who owns Europe?

The Italian literary scholar dealt with “Heimat Fremde Erde”, the roots and myths of Europe. “Coming from foreign countries was no obstacle to a citizenship in ancient Rome. Everyone had two fatherlands and thus identities.” The Speech


2020: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
EXODUS: Leaving the Familiar

The environmental scientist and Club of Rome honorary president spoke of the need to move out of the “full world” that is being stifled by overpopulation and ceaseless growth.A more sustainable world is necessary for survival”, he said in his speech.


2021: Seyran Ateş
FAIRNESS: The new Globalization

“Equal rights without role reversal and on an equal footing for all people: This goal should drive us all to finally achieve a fair society,” said the well-known Berlin lawyer, imamine and women’s rights activist Seyran Ateş.


2022: Robert Menasse
CHANGE: How to build New Europe

The author of the bestseller “The Capital” once again called on Europe’s political decision-makers to abandon their national selfishness so that the European Union can continue to develop. Pressetext

2023: Marlene Streeruwitz
Growth at the beginning – Future at the End?

Every life must be guaranteed the right to a loving welcome in the world, and the patriarchal sibling rivalry must be resolved. Tolerance is not enough to establish peace; a basic right to love is required. Kleine Zeitung.


2035572024: Armin Thurnher
Perspektives for a European Media Order

The publisher and editor-in-chief of the Vienna city newspaper FALTER calls for a Europe-wide strengthening of public broadcasting as a counterweight to the global power of the tech giants. Pressetext

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